Coolest Minnie and Mickey Mouse 2nd Birthday Party!

Coolest Minnie and Mickey Mouse 2nd Birthday Party

We couldn’t wait to celebrate our daughter Jordan turning 2 years old. We decided to have a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme party since Jordan loves Mickey and Minnie Mouse. We invited around 60 people (adults and children). Invitations were sent 6 weeks in advance and had the outline of Minnie Mouse’s face and ears, but … Read more

M&M Party Decoration Ideas

I purchased dessert plates in all the M&M colors. I used my computer to print out 40 M’s in the M&M font and glued them to the plate. Yes, I printed and cut out all 40 of them! I glued several of them to dowels rods and stuck them along side our drive way so … Read more

Coolest Princess and the Frog 3rd Birthday Party

Coolest Princess and the Frog 3rd Birthday Party

Olivia was in love with the new Princess and the Frog movie, and she asked me to plan a Princess and the Frog party for her third birthday. As we were inviting close family and friends there were only a couple of children attending, so I wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable and happy. … Read more

Phineas and Ferb Games and Activities

The first thing we did for the party was separate the party-goers into groups of two. Each group was given the same supplies—at least one empty toilet paper roll, at least one empty egg carton, at least one shoe box and a roll of duct tape and a roll of masking tape. They were given … Read more

Coolest My Little Pony Birthday Theme Party for a 7 Year Old

Coolest My Little Pony Birthday Theme Party for a 7 Year Old

For my daughter’s seventh birthday, she was very big into My Little Pony. Not only did she have every one available at that time, which has now been five years, but she also had all of mine from the eighties! To plan her party, we decided on a crafting pony themed party at a local … Read more

Princess and the Frog Party Food Ideas

First, the FOOD. Of course, if you know Princess and the Frog, you know it is set in New Orleans. So, we had to make muffalettas (which are enormous, loaf sized cold cut sandwiches). To keep the kids happy, we made various tiny po?boys out of miniature buns. I made a ton of deep fried … Read more

Coolest Wedding Theme Birthday Party for an 8 Year Old

Coolest Wedding Theme Birthday Party for an 8 Year Old

If there is one thing that little girls [dream] of, it is being a [bride]. I know I did as a child and my daughter was no different and either were her friends. Being able to dress like a princess and [marry Prince Charming] were the stories of childhood and it was this that formed … Read more

Lego Theme Party Games

Then I had about 4 other games and a few tucked aside in case one of them did not go off so well. I bought a LEGO for each child to work on and then take home. The one I bought was about $5. Atlantis jet ski guy. I had each child get a partner, … Read more

Coolest Cupcake Theme 1st Birthday Party

These cupcake theme birthday party decorations are made with hot pink cardstock and are tied together with coordinating ribbon with enough extra on each side for you to hang as you desire. Your child’s name and age can also be added for that extra special touch.

Each scalloped circle/square measures 5 1/2” and is made from two layers of cardstock with printed lettering. The banner measures approx 6′ long.

These custom decorations are a great “EXTRA” to all parties. Baby Showers, Birthdays, Bachelorette, Welcome Home, Holidays & More!!

All items are made with quality acid-free/lignin-free cardstock. Each item is handcrafted and handmade by me for a unique look that you cannot find in a regular party store.

Coolest Halloween 50s Theme Party Ideas Photos

Coolest Halloween 50s Theme Party Ideas Photos

Halloween – 50s theme party ideas and photos by: Tina from Englewood, OH My daughter’s birthday is on Halloween. Every year we have a Halloween party and for invitations I write a poem about a little witch named Meagan. The poem (invite) continues each year. It is a poem about a witch who cast her … Read more

Kung Fu Panda Party Games and Activities

Painting: As guests arrived, we began painting rocks to look like the faces of the furious five. Viper and Tigress were way more popular than the panda and some kids did 2-3 rocks. It was a nice flexible activity as people arrived at bit different times. After their painting projects were set out to dry, … Read more

Coolest M&M Candy 2nd Birthday Party

Coolest M&M Candy 2nd Birthday Party

My two year old son loves M&Ms so we decided to have an M&M themed birthday party. I wanted to keep it simple but cute and colorful. After deciding on this theme, I went online to see what M&M themed birthday items I could find. I found almost nothing. So, my creative mind kicked in. … Read more

Coolest Asian Theme Party Ideas and Photos

Coolest Asian Theme Party Ideas and Photos

Asian theme party ideas and photos by: Beth from Newport, RI My daughter Hannah was turning 9 and she decided to have an Asian Theme party. First we came up with a great Asian party invitation idea: We bought fortune cookies and printed our own “fortunes” to put inside the cookies. The fortunes were actually … Read more

Kung Fu Panda Face Pinata

To prepare, we made the pinata using a balloon covered in newspaper strips that had been dipped in a flour/water paste. After that dried, we popped the balloon and did another layer of newspaper in the paste. When that was dry, we used duct tape to attach a medium weight rope to the inside of … Read more

Coolest Kung Fu Panda Birthday Party

Coolest Kung Fu Panda Birthday Party

After watching Kung Fu Panda 2, my daughter was very excited about having a KungFu Panda party. Keeping her happy and working within our very limited budget gave us a very homemade yet exciting party for her friends from school. It also gave us lots of fun “projects” for the week leading up to the … Read more

Coolest Birthday Kid Party Theme Ideas and Photos

Coolest Birthday Kid Party Theme Ideas and Photos

Birthday kid party theme ideas and photos by: Rachel from River Vale, NJ My son, the animal lover, wanted his birthday kid party theme to involve animals in some way. I found a local arts and craft place by my house that had the most perfect party, although I am positive that if I had … Read more

Coolest Haunted House Birthday Party

My son was turning 10 years old. Our family had really gotten into doing parties by now. It was like a contest, who could do better party. My son’s birthday is Oct 29th and I thought a Haunted House Birthday Party would be fun. I spent probably two years preparing for this party. INVITES were … Read more

Coolest Clifford Child Party Ideas and Photos

Coolest Clifford Child Party Ideas and Photos

Child party ideas and photos by: Robin from Wilmington, NC I had the idea to “PArtY it forward” for my son’s second birthday party in June. I searched for different child party ideas and this is what I did. We had a Clifford themed party and instead of presents each guest was asked to bring … Read more

Coolest Tinkerbell Neverland Birthday Party for a 4 Year Old Girl

Coolest Tinkerbell Neverland Birthday Party for a 4 Year Old Girl

I believe that a child’s birthday party should be something special and memorable so I always try to plan something great for my girls. Immediately after my daughter’s 3rd birthday party ended, Megan announced she wanted a Tinkerbell party for when she turned 4. Needless to say, I’ve had a lot of time to plan … Read more

Coolest Childrens Birthday Party Ideas and Photos

Coolest Childrens Birthday Party Ideas and Photos

Childrens birthday party ideas and photos by: Mona from Yorktown, VA I just got finished throwing a Surprise Pirate birthday party for my 10-year-old son. Adults and all the kids HAD A BLAST! And I am sure that this childrens birthday party will be hard to beat, if I am ever foolish enough to attempt … Read more